New Crew Coming Soon!

After spending a portion of my holiday vacation researching blog activity, I have decided that to expand a bit. My schedule is extremely hectic with school, and an upcoming moot court competition that will take place over the next two months. Therefore, I have enlisted the assistance of a close friend to incorporate his opinion on stories for this blog. Further details will be released soon. Please check back regularly. I hope to also include a notification system so that my readers may register to be notified via e-mail of new posts!

We look forward to a bright future! Happy New Year everybody!

The Importance of the Holiday Season

Everyone is hustling and bustling to make their holiday preparations. Fortunately, if you practice the Jewish faith, Hanukah is over. However, for the rest of the Christian population you have just three nights remaining to finish shopping, wrapping gifts, and overall stressing. It is important, no matter where you stand on the spectrum to take at the very least, a few minutes to stop and reflect on the happiness of the season. The fact that your family has come together yet again to live to tell another story of another family holiday may seem unappealing. But, be sure to treasure the time as you never truly know if you will all be at the table a year from now.

Since starting my law school journey, I feel like I have become a master at self-reflection as I constantly question if my actions are living up to the bar that I set. It is important that you are not too hard on yourself by setting an impossible bar. If you fee overwhelmed, that is completely understandable. Be sure to find someone to confide ins. Chances are, they have been in your shoes or currently are in the same boat as you.

Just remember that everyone is dealing with their own individual scenarios. Take a little more time to understand, a little more time to get to your destination, and a little more time to reflect on you! Think about where you are today, and where you want to be next year at this time. Then make a plan to make it happen!

Happy Holidays!

Favorite Blogs

So as you know, I am new to this whole blog field. I am continuing to build my blog knowledge and terminology. It would be an understatement to express my surprise that some people are able to blog FULL TIME. Recently, my Law School hosted Amy Howe, a full-time blogger who writes exclusively about the United States Supreme Court. I wanted to share her blog with everybody so that they too, may be blown away by the volume of Supreme Court information she holds. Her blog can be found here: (


So here’s the scoop on podcasts. Since learning about podcasts in 2015 from an investment consultant, I have really struggled to find shows that hold my attention. I’m usually the maniac flying down the highway singing my heart out with no particular ability to remain in tune nor get the lyrics absolutely right every time.

I started with a suggested history podcast that as recently as yesterday was ranked #1 in iTunes. I liked the flow and the vibrant explanations of various historic experiences. However, after a few miles I realized it was more background noise than anything and would lose focus. So I gave up on podcasts for a bit.

Fast forward to my first iPhone, circa 2017… we can all collectively laugh for a moment. I come across an article about Preet Bharara, the former United States Attorney in Manhattan that was recently fired by POTUS. The article went on and on about Preet’s new podcast “Stay Tuned With Preet.” I decided to ice it a go, and boy am I glad I did that for sure! I had a four-hour car ride ahead of me. I began with his first episode of 7 at the time. I was angry my drive wasn’t longer. Preet interviews weekly, some absolutely extraordinary individuals from around the globe, with an incredible set of experiences they use to develop their individual viewpoints. While Preet leans more to the left, I find that he asks tough questions, has a light banter with his show guests and overall keeps the attention of the listener. If you have not checked it out, you should!

The list below is a few other podcasts I have been listening to recently for daily news, sports and highlights:

  • Petty Politics. By Harvard Law.
  • Bulls Talk Podcast.
  • Duke Basketball Report.
  • NPR Here & Now.
  • New York Mets Podcast.
  • Mets Podcasts.

If anyone would like a more thorough review or has any specific questions, please reach out as I am more Han happy to discuss and provide recommendations.

Heads-up 7-Up

Hello! It’s been more than a while since I last updated you all on my daily thoughts and adventures. I found myself deep in the throws of a vibrant law school semester with very little spare time to provide my commentary. It sure is funny how I came to creating this blog and my intent to update it daily. So much so that I set reminders for the entire semester and constantly ignored them. After much reflection and consideration, I currently am planning to commit my time to this blog as it is both an important outlet for me to express my thoughts and ideas, as well as what I hope will be a great resource for news, generic information and any other matters pertinent to today’s society.

During my Thanksgiving break, I found myself immersed in more than a few conversations regarding social media. Generally speaking, those individuals that I communicate the most with on social media are collectively tired of the drain on their day-to-day lives caused by the multitude of social media platforms. I too have been struggling recently with my commitment to social media. I look around and see a significant number of ‘fake’ interactions, false friendships, and an undying need for more ‘likes.’ After making these observations, I found myself researching the effects of social media on society. I found myself susceptible to some of the same insanity that professional researchers proclaim are taking over the lives of people.

Recently, I found a powerful tool on Facebook for raising funds during my birthday. I chose a charitable organization (my local fire department) and began a campaign to raise $200 in honor of my big day. I have since surpassed that amount with a little over one week to go for fundraising. One of the reports I read online stated explicitly that tools such as this, or others that involve advertising are a positive use of social media. However, the passive use of scanning through social media news feeds is highly detrimental to society. I fear that while I recently found the fundraising tool, my passive use has become a drain on my well-being. I was constantly comparing myself to my peers, and always feeling like, “I need to do more to keep up.”

Therefore, upon completion of my fundraiser, and once I can confirm the funds has been transferred to the organization, I am planning a re-evaluation of my social media policy/presence. I keep in contact with the same individuals through Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, text and telephone. My goal is to restrict that to LinkedIn, Instagram, text and telephone. My goal is two-fold. On one end I am seeking to limit my passive usage allowing me greater time for other more constructive means such as my blog and academics, and the other is to allow me to have more meaningful relationships with both those I know and love dearly, as well as new people that I may meet in my life’s journey. Far too often I look around at a restaurant and see the majority of people sitting together at tables with their phones out, completely ignoring those around them. My concentrated effort to have meaningful conversations and/or interactions that are completely undivided of my attention flies in the face of societal norms. I think it is a renaissance like this, that our generation needs in order to remain effective and not become stagnant, passive users of life via social media.

So with that, I look forward to keeping you all updated on how things are going. I am eager to see how this social media experiment works. Hopefully, it allows me to meet all of my goals including further improved grades over the remainder of my Law school career. So keep an eye out and let me know your thoughts along the way!

NY Times – Digitally Disconnecting is Okay!

Came across this great article this morning. ( Although it diverges from the spirit of this blog, I think it highlights the importance of “disconnecting.” From a family law standpoint, disconnecting could allow individuals more time to focus on the ‘here and now’ with those around them. Without statistical evidence to support it (who wants to go long periods of time without their cell phones and mobile internet!?) I think that disconnecting would potentially cause families to strengthen and thus reduce the rising divorce rates observed nationwide.

On another note, there is a reference to a new book I plan to pick-up related to this topic. If anyone else is interested in checking it out, here is the listing for the book. ( For $18.36, why not?!